Name:           Evgeny Drokov

        Phone:          +31641348080                       
        skype:          edrokov

        Born:           February, 28, 1974
        Qualification:  IT manager, project manager

Marital status
        married, 2 children

2000    Ph.D. candidate.
        Novosibirsk State Technical University, 
        Program systems and database department
        Thesis: "Transaction management"
1997    Master of Science.
        Awarded by Novosibirsk State Technical University, 
        Mathematics Department. Diploma with distinction.
        Thesis: "Transaction management in heterogeneous environment"

1995    Bachelor of Science.
        Awarded by Novosibirsk State Technical University, 
        Mathematics Department.
        Thesis: "Three-tired client-server architecture"

        Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Computer Science

Professional Project Experience
2012-2017 ED Web Consulting


2008- Limited


2003-   ARL Consulting B.V.

2005	Director.
2004    Head of Moscow Branch.
        Duties:  branch management, contacts with government and local
        authorities,   banks;   finance,   human   resources,  general
        management,  contacts  with  local  and  foreign  partners and
2003    Project manager.
        Duties:   management   of   the   local  software  development
        departament. Personal responsibility for the number  of custom
        Technologies,  products,  protocols,  languages used: asp, c#,
        ms sql, .NET, css, xsl, html, dhtml, javascript, sql, http.

2002-   HOP-GO Online, Novosibirsk, Russia
        CTO representative.
        Duties:   management   of   the   local  software  development
        departaments. Personal responsibilities for the major parts
        of the system.
        Technologies,  products,  protocols,  languages  used: java 2,
        oracle,  php,  xml, xsl, html, dhtml, javascript, pl/sql, c++,
        sh, perl, http, udp, 3d modeling
2002    OOO Novolabs, Novosibirsk, Russia

        Duties:  company  registration,  contacts  with government and
        local  authorities,  banks;  finance, human resources, general
        management,  contacts  with  local  and  foreign  partners and
        Technologies, products, protocols: mysql, php, xml, xsl, html,
        dhtml, javascript, sql, ldap, nntp


2002    S7 Travel Agency core system (Sibir Airlines, Russia)
        First in the field web-based solution for travel agency
        Designer, programmer in 4 man-group.
        Duties:  interface  design, product design, program interface,
        images processing.

2002    Energis-ISION (Energis, Germany)
        Intranet Portal & backoffice software - portal and backoffice

        Designer,  programmer in 7 man-group. Responsible for HTML and
        XML templates, image processing.

1999-2001  novolabs GmbH, Germany, Novosibirsk office

        Project manager.
        Duties:   department  management,  staff  management,  project
        management    in    strict    financial   boundaries,   budget
        optimization,  interaction  with  headquarter  in  Germany and
        customer   representatives,   production  management.  Project
        management  on  every  stage:  customer  contact, requirements
        analysis,   development   of   propositions,  staffing,  staff
        education,  software  development,  documenting,  and customer

        Database consultatnt.
        Duties: general management of database programming department

        Web-design, user interface consultant.
        Duties: general management of web-design department

        Duties: html, dhtml, php, javascript programming

        Technologies, products, protocols, languages used: mysql, php,
        xml, xsl, html, dhtml, javascript, sql, ldap, nntp

2001    Infineon Task manager, Infineon GmbH, Germany
        Custom dice application
        Project manager.
        Duties: planning, development, product documenting and support

2000-2001 dice 4.1, 4.1.5, 4.1.6, 4.2.0, 4.2.1
        Standard  platform  for  number of custom solutions in Germany
        and Switzerland

        Product manager, department manager.
        Duties:    general   project   management,   human   resources
        management,  planning,  overall control on every project stage
        (2-years long project)

1999    dice 4.0, distributed internet collaboration environment

        Group manager (two 4-men group)
        Responsible for number of sub-projects in bounds of dice 4.0
1999    Distant learning system Web@cademy (Webacademy GmbH, Germany)

        Web-designer, dhtml programmer.
        4-man group. Web-based application with heavy usage of DHTML

1994 - 1998 INTERFACE Computer Center, Novosibirsk, Russia
        Programmer, system architect
        Duties:  custom  software architecting, development, technical
        support, user support, documenting
        INFORMIX database administrator
        Duties:     database     management    system    installation,
        administration, support
        Practical student (master degree diploma work)
        Duties: analytical and practical works in the area of database

        Technologies,   products,  protocols,  languages:  multi-tired
        systems, sql, informix 4gl, esql/c, telnet, c++, sh
1998    Multithreaded application server

        System architect.
        Was   designed   and   developed   multiplatform,  extensible,
        parallel,   multisession   application  server,  oriented  for
        INFORMIX   DBMS   with   unique   embedded   stored  procedure
        programming language.

1996-1998 Automatic control system for factory section
        Programmer, database designer, administrator.
        Was   designed   and   developed   distributed   database   in
        heterogeneous  (UNIX, Windows, MS-DOS) two-tired client-server
        environment  based on INFORMIX development tools and languages
        (I-4GL,   I-ESQL/C,   sh)   with   two   program   interfaces:
        human-oriented   and  controller-oriented.  Network  size:  50
        hosts,  number  of  working  personal: 150. Number of lines in
        source code: over 100000 (5-men group), 3-years long project.

1996    Development  of C++ class realizing CLI-interface for INFORMIX
        database engines (3 member group)
        Using   developed  class  allows  a  programmer  full-featured
        transparent  access  to  almost  any  database that managed by
        INFORMIX database server.

1987-1991 Scientific research center "RITAR" , Novosibirsk, Russia

        Programmer, hardware engineer.
        Worked   as   member  of  3-men  group.  Wrote  a  package  of
        engineering  computations.  Installed  a  number  of  computer
        classes  in different regions of Russia. Classes were equipped
        by   self-made   educational  software  on  foreign  languages
        (German, English), mathematical and programming subjects.

        Russian, English, Dutch, German